
(2024). VaktBLE: A Benevolent Man-in-the-Middle Bridge to Guard against Malevolent BLE Connections (ACSAC 2024 Prepublication). Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2024) (Prepublication).
(2024). AirBugCatcher: Automated Wireless Reproduction of IoT Bugs (ACSAC 2024 Prepublication). Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2024) (Prepublication).
(2024). U-Fuzz: Stateful Fuzzing of IoT Protocols on COTS Devices (ICST 2024). IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST 2024).
(2022). Towards Automated Fuzzing of 4G/5G Protocol Implementations Over the Air (GLOBECOM 2022). IEEE Global Communications Conference (2022).
(2022). BrakTooth: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager via Directed Fuzzing (Usenix Security 2022). 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22).
(2020). SweynTooth: Unleashing Mayhem over Bluetooth Low Energy (Usenix ATC). USENIX Annual Technical Conference (2020).
(2019). GREYHOUND: Directed Greybox Wi-Fi Fuzzing. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
(2017). Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization PID Tuning for Longitudinal Movement of an Aircraft. XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente.
(2015). Yaw and pitch control tuning using multiobjective optimisation techniques. XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente.